RANSA Member Survey 2022

RANSA Members Survey 2022 Summary

During March 2022 the Squadron Committee wished to undertake a comprehensive survey of its members to gather feedback across all aspects of the club to better help align decision making around on water and off water activities and future investments, as well as feedback on the general running of the club.

Thank you to the 32% of the active membership base that contributed. Outstanding!


The Executive Summary of the findings are here, but a more comprehensive PDF of the report can be downloaded from this page for review that includes with question specific data points or graphs.

  • Excellent survey response with 32% of the total financial members completing
    • All membership groups and demographics covered to make survey a “valid voice”
  • Outstanding overall RANSA rating of 8.8 (median 9)
    • Some dissatisfied members were very anti café driving dissatisfaction
    • Café specific rating was lower at 6.8 (median 8). Split views on café v.good to v.bad
  • Key findings
    • a) RANSA heritage & Navy important b) work to do with café offering c) support for marina expansion d) good alignment with sailing program(s) e) more social and volunteer opportunities wanted f) improved comms with members required
  • Recommendations

1) Revitalise member experience to ensure renewals

2) Navy Bear quarterly food benchmark & review

3) Focus on heritage, Navy & volunteering

4) Marina & mooring sub group ASAP

5) Upgrade to clubhouse and facilities continues

The Flag Officers will have more to say about the survey findings in their yearly summaries in the RANSA Annual Report and also at the AGM which is to be held on September 21st.

Many of the ideas, thoughts and comments from the survey are now being implemented, with examples of the recent working bee and BBQ day, return of the tech talks, the scheduling of new social activities such as Sea Shanty Night coming up soon, as well as finalisation of the Foc'sle as a members only area. The Squadron Committee encourages your feedback to make sure the club remains a relevant and welcoming club for all of its members.

