
Commodore's Christmas Message

Published Wed 16 Dec 2020

Commodore Bill Wyllie’s Christmas Message

Dear RANSA Members,

On behalf of all the Flag Officers and Directors of RANSA, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We know it has been a difficult year for all, and we look forward to a safe and healthier 2021.

We trust you stay safe over the festive season within the remaining bounds of COVID, and while it has been very disruptive for all, we can all be proud of our efforts compared to other parts of the world.

In the absence of a nomination of Commodore this year with Naval background, I was honoured to be nominated for the role. Our unique and heritage facility, located within Naval waters, the club enjoys a special place on Sydney Harbour for all Members while maintaining true Naval traditions.

This was typified last week by the highly successful Australian Defence Forces (ADFS) Regatta. Held over 4 days, and with catering support from our new Navy Bear Café, and music by the Army Band, the RANSA club facilities were ideal for the occasion.

Working with other Sydney Sailing clubs on Sydney Harbour, your immediate past Commodore, David Giddings, maintained contact throughout the COVID 19 period. Regular meetings with other clubs were held to share experiences on how to manage clubhouses and sailing programmes during the pandemic. And a special CCIS series (Combined Clubs Inshore Series) was started to get us all out sailing asap.

Most importantly a very special thanks go to you our Members. All have contributed to ensure our Club has remained safe. Ransa was very close to a Covid hotspot, and with increased local pedestrian traffic and a COVID testing set-up almost next door - it was a challenge.

Congratulations to all in keeping RANSA and all our Members safe.

The RANSA Café.

The other major change during the year was the recent opening of our 7 day a week café.

To establish a successful café, it has been a long process over three years in the making. With final approvals suddenly emerging simultaneously to the lifting of many COVID restrictions, The café has opened with such gusto and patronage it surprised all, including Navy Bear.

With RANSA, it has been a complex process with Council responsible for managing the whole Sir David Martin Reserve, our Heritage building and limited liquor licence. For a 7 day a week café operation to service Members and guests to be viable it also does needs extra patronage from the public.

Many locals have now suddenly discovered the pleasures of our unique waterfront shed.  We should congratulate our young and vibrant Navy Bear team, presenting great coffee, food and service, creating the mix for instant success. 

However, maintaining Member access and use of the facilities is essential. With our large number of sailing moorings, and slipway, there are a lot of important Members activities and access needs, especially during weekends. Fortunately, with the wisdom of your Directors and Management, contractual arrangements are in place to work with the Café to find the right balance between a viable public Café, and Members use of their facilities. For the moment we appreciate the patience of Members as we listen and consider opinions and will steadily put measures in place to achieve both goals.

Office and Sailing

Finally, the RANSA website and other means of communications continue to transform into modern times. Thanks to Cam Wayland our Secretary, and others, in assisting in this transition.

To our staff, Roger and Nick also a special thanks. Nick has absorbed the additional duties as our COVID Marshall. Roger has done an outstanding job organising our sailing activities in these difficult times. And with such imposing voice, maintains the tradition of announcing every place getter for Friday Twilight, garnering a cheer from nearly every yacht.

We now look forward to our 2021 sailing season and early on will be the RANSA Regatta, and we encourage all our Member yachts to join the RANSA challenge with other Sydney Harbour clubs.

Once again on behalf the voluntary Flag Officers and Directors we wish you a Healthy and Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

Bill Wyllie

Commodore RANSA
