
COVID-19 RANSA Events & Office

Published Wed 18 Mar 2020

COVID-19 - RANSA Events & Office


The following events have been cancelled.

Last non point score Twilight Friday March 20th – including the Bar

Pirates Day March 22nd – Probably now September

Annual Prize Giving April 29th – Probably now September

To be decided is the Combined Winter Series & RANSA Winter Wednesdays. Possibly on water only, no decision as yet.


There will be no RANSA organised functions for April and May. This includes Tech Talks, Drop In For A Drink Fridays.

Private functions/venue hire where RANSA facilities will used by a 3rd party will be the call of those that made the booking as to if they will proceed. It will be their own responsibility to ensure the safety of their guests as per the venue hire agreement. If you have a booking and wish to cancel or postpone the event please contact the Office.

Boatshed & Cleaning

As you all know RANSA operates on a part time basis and luckily we are now in between sailing seasons so the club will be quiet anyway. However during this period to restrict the use of the general public entering the club the main door near the notice board will remain locked during the day. Please enter using the “crew board” door near the BBQ using your Members key and ideally close the door behind you.

We have asked our regular cleaners to be extra vigilant regarding the service they provide, but given the open nature of the clubhouse we would request anyone using the club be personally prepared to ensure government virus transmission safety guidelines are being practiced. As you know many of own members are elderly so we want to ensure everyone stays healthy during this period.

However, the club is not closed and for those wanting to use the BBQ or a BYO afternoon sitting on the Deck, please continue to do so but again safety through good hygiene and “social distancing”.


For the time being the Office will be open with Nick and Roger attending to take deliveries and finish up the administration of the Twilight season. However, please do not physically enter the Office to drop in and have a chat with Nick or Roger, without asking first. Ideally if you need to communicate with the Office please do this via email or phone. During the quieter period in April and May it is likely the Office will be unattended some days but they will still be working from home.

We hope these simple but practical measures will help keep all of our members safe and well and we look forward to resuming normal activities as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.
