
Friday Twilight Racing Begins 23rd October

Published Fri 16 Oct 2020

Twilights Begin October 23rd

The RANSA twilight season begins in 2 weeks 23rd October at 18:00

We are hoping to have both the Whaler Bar operational, albeit with COVID-19 social distancing restrictions and will be requiring any boat rostered for start boat and bar duty to have appropriate numbers of crew RSA certified if working in the bar, including glass collection. Additionally this year 2 of the crew will be COVID monitors to ensure returning crew are spaced apart as per the current COVID guidelines. A full operational pack will be provided to those rostered to do bar duty.

Remember if you are rostered onto Bar & Start Boat duty (and get the 4 points) you will need to have all crew that are working in the licensed bar RSA certifed. This can be done online and RANSA will cover the training costs, so call the Office for details.

You can enter online by clicking here or you can phone or email the office at if you need any assistance.

If you have still not got your 20/21 Cat 7 safety certificate which you will need to enter please let us know and we will see what can be arranged.

We look forward to seeing you out on the water, back at the bar.


