

Published Fri 26 Mar 2021

The RANSA twilight racing series finished for another year on 19 March, and our thanks to the 100 or so skippers who entered over the series, and to all the volunteers on the start boat and in the bar who made it all happen. The final pointscore results for the series are on the website here

Overall Pointscore Standings - SailSys. Congratulations to all the winners.

What’s next at RANSA?

The Annual Prizegiving presentation for the 2020 Wednesday afternoon series and the 2020-21 Friday twilight series will be held on Wednesday 28 April: owing to restrictions still in force the prize night will be for placegetters and invited guests only, and you will shortly be receiving your invitations.

We then look forward to welcoming you to 2021 Winter Wednesday and Saturday afternoon racing:


The RPEYC Summer Series finishes on 21 April, then after a week’s break the RANSA Series starts on 5 May and runs to 22 September. Our café and bar will be open for post race refreshment! The Notice of Race is on the RANSA website here , and online entry or entry forms here


Combined Clubs Saturday racing begins on 1 May for a series of 12 races, or you can join the short 6 race series: organising clubs this year are RANSA, RPEYC and RSYS. You can enter via any of these clubs’ websites where you will find the Notice of Race.

For RANSA entries the NoR and entry is via the same links as above

We look forward to seeing you on the start line and back at the Club on Wednesdays and Saturdays in Winter!

