

Published Thu 08 Oct 2020



What a difference a year makes! Last year we held a glittering prize night with over 100 winners and

their crews here in the Boatshed, receiving their prizes from Australian Fleet Commander Jonathan Mead,

who spoke proudly of the RAN’s achievements over the year, and its ties with RANSA.



We planned to repeat this in April this year, but have had to keep putting it off owing to the COVIDsafe


 restrictions, so that now we have no alternative but to acknowledge the winners and awards online


 so that we can move on to the new season, starting with the first RANSA Twilight race on 23 October.


The full list of winners is attached: I would first like once again to thank our race management volunteers

without whom we could not run our very successful winter Saturday and Wednesday series and

Twilight races. Our thanks are due to all of the volunteers who were rostered on and gave willingly


of their time for boat and bar duty during the season, and especially our regulars


Bob Penty and Gaye Rosen, RO John Allan, and of course Roger and Nick from the office


who are on board for virtually all races and volunteer their time to run the twilight series.

As we cannot all be together for the prizegiving we invite you to contact the Office to arrange to

pick up your awards, to inspect your names on the perpetual trophies and to be photographed with


Them. Remember that there are Plaques for all first place getters and perpetual trophy winners,


Tankards for second place, and Glass mugs for third.


Congratulations to all the winners, thank you for supporting our Race Series, and we look forward


 to seeing you on the water - and back at RANSA! - next season


Dave Giddings

WOMTP RAN (Rtd) Commodore RANSA

Fax 02 9594 4250

Files for download
PRIZE LIST 2019_2020
