
Online Entry Available Winter Wednesday & Saturday starting June 10th

Published Wed 27 May 2020

Online Entry Open For Winter Wednesday & Saturday Series Racing


As advised last week, Wednesday Sailing starts again on 10 June – the Notice of Race and Entry forms are available here: online entry here:

The Combined Clubs Winter Saturday series will now run for 9 Races From 13 June (or 6 races in the SASC Series) and details will be available at the above links also.

We are therefore able to start competitive sailing again much sooner than expected, but this will be subject to strict NSW Health requirements, and the RANSA protocols are given below. Entry forms and online entry submissions require skippers to acknowledge and ensure compliance with these protocols. For contact tracing skippers will also have to submit a crew list prior to racing and forms for this will be sent to all entrants: this may seem onerous but we hope will be seen as a small price to pay to get back on the water!

The basic rule is Get In, Sail and Get Out! - so sadly no gathering at the Club for the time being, but we will let you know as soon as this changes.

RANSA Protocols for the return of Sailing

âž” Stay home if you are unwell (cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath)

âž” Limit crew to small groups with a maximum of 10 participants and avoid physical contact

âž” Arrive dressed and ready to sail, no gathering below before or after sailing

âž” If using RANSA dinghies to get to the moorings, maximum of two people in a dinghy

âž” Crew lists detailing name, phone and email for each crew member must be provided prior to each race for Contact Tracing

âž” Keep a distance of 1.5 metres from other people where reasonably practicable

âž” Practice good hand hygiene before and after sailing, hand sanitizer must be held and used onboard

âž” Sharing of equipment should be avoided, and if necessary, kept to a minimum; sanitise shared equipment, winch handles, hand rails, grips etc. Don’t share drinks or towels

âž” Leave immediately after disembarking

âž” Outdoor activities only; no gathering at the Club

âž” The use of COVIDSafe App is strongly recommended, to protect others not just yourself

These protocols may be revised as the government requirements evolve..
