
Safety Equipment Inspections Cat 4-7 Sunday 6th September

Published Sun 23 Aug 2020

We will be conducting our Annual Safety inspection (Cat 7) day this year on Sunday 6th September.

You will need new safety certification in order to be able to compete in the new season, and this is the ideal opportunity to get it done. If you need safety certification for a series beginning before that date, or if you are not able to make it on 8th, let Roger know and we will see what can be arrandged. Our Auditors will be carrying out inspections from 0930 to 1530 at half hour intervals , so please call or email to book your spot.

This is also a call for our auditors to confirm their availability on Sunday 6th September, so please let me know if you can help.

We can certify up to Cat 4, but Cat 7 suffices for RANSA harbour racing and these boats will be given priority on the day.

We have arranged for Chubb to inspect fire extinguishers here at RANSA week before, so please leave your fire extinguishers, clearly marked with boat name, for replacement or service by Wednesday 2nd September and they will be serviced on Thursday 3rd September. Note that Chubb will charge $10 for a service, or if the extinguishers are unserviceable $15 to remove and dispose.

The Category 7 form is available to download here, and please make sure this is completed before the auditors get onboard. Additionally RANSA recommends a VHF is carried and navigation lights are fitted and operational.

Files for download
AS Cat 7 2017-2021 form ev1.1
