

Published Wed 15 Sep 2021

Marine Area Command Published the following on 14 September:

The easing of restrictions within the Greater Sydney 'stay at home' area effective yesterday, 13 September, whereby you can attend an outdoor gathering in a public space of up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation (aged 16 years or over and fully vaccinated) DOES NOT relate to boating.

Boating is still limited to the same household members or if from different households a maximum of 2 people. Vessels are considered a 'premise' therefore this outdoor easing does not relate to vessels.
For full details see Sailing Australia NSW COVID page here

Sailing at RANSA

In the meantime RANSA is hoping that we will be able to start the new Twilight Racing Season on schedule on Friday 22 October and is planning accordingly. Note that any activity is likely to require that all participants be vaccinated, and skippers would have to indicate compliance on the crew lists, so encourage all your crew to get the jab asap!

There will be a mandatory pre season Skippers Briefing in mid October - probably via Zoom, and current safety certification remains valid until the end of the year. New 21/22 safety inspections will be arranged as soon as allowed, but remember that in the meantime it is the skipper's duty to ensure that all dated items - fire extinguishers, medical kit items, lifejackets etc - are in date.

Members and all entrants to RANSA events will be kept advised on this website and by email on the above and as the situation changes, so watch this space!
