
TRIVIA and other Zoom opportunities

Published Mon 30 Aug 2021


Trivia Round 2

Following the success of our inaugural trivia night last month, we are doing it again on Wednesday 8 September at 6.30pm. Remember this is a ‘proper’ trivia with interesting and intriguing questions and a lot of fun, so please join us again and tell your friends!

The Trivia night will be held virtually via Zoom, via the link to be advised. You will able to see and hear our Trivia Host and fellow attendees, and join in the repartee. If you are in teams, you will just need to nominate your team Skipper who will be tasked with collecting the answers from the rest of the team, via phone or other devices – just ensure you are muted when discussing the answers!

Getting the most from SailSys

A reminder that this presentation is, tonight Monday 30th August at 6pm on Zoom. Click here to register if you would like to learn more about entering and finding your way around SailSys.

Skipper's Safety Briefing

RPEYC will hold a Skipper's Safety Briefing in conjunction with RMS at 6pm on Thursday 2nd September, on Zoom. Click here to register. It is a requirement for all races on Sydney Harbour that skippers attend one of these briefings, and RANSA will hold our own briefing in due course, but if you want to get ahead of the game while we are at home in lockdown, zoom in to this one!

See you on Zoom!

Kind regards

