

Published Thu 12 Aug 2021

Everyone joined in the repartee once they had got the hang of Zooming and it was a welcome 'live' break from binge watching TV series! In the end the winners were: 1st - Liz & Jeremy with a remarkable 35 out of a possible 40 points. 2nd-Team Highway Patrol - Michael and Carolyn on 34. 3rd- Team Sylvara - Dave, Michael, John & Hannah on 28. Immediate Past Commodore and team Sylvara Captain Dave Giddings emailed 'Pass on our sincere thanks to Andrew for taking charge for us to have some fun' Andrew and Amanda are happy to do it again if the lockdown lasts, so watch this space! In the meantime the winners can pop in for their prizes when we open up again, and thanks once again to those who joined us for a fun evening.
