

Published Fri 10 Jul 2020

Dear RANSA Members,

Welcome to a new membership year at RANSA. Let us hope the current ability to conduct on water racing marks another step towards full operating recovery by the time Twilights are due to commence.

With the challenges over the past few months, along with the fact that the Clubhouse has not been fully open, the board will as previously announced be offering reduced membership fees for all classes of members for the 20-21 membership year. Shortly you will be receiving your renewal notice as our membership year is July 1. However, fees are being deferred till 1st October for a pro rata renewal membership of nine (9) months based on the 2019 membership fee i.e. 25% reduction on 2019 for financial members recorded as of June 30th 2020. Should you be in a position to pay the membership renewal before it is due in October, we do appreciate it. The RANSA One replacement fund is still operating for anyone able to make a donation above their membership fee, just contact the Office.

In the meantime things are gradually returning to normal. Full COVIDsafe protocols are in place at the Club which allows us to run races on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but only if they are strictly followed. The Boatshed is only open for passing through with social distancing applied, and all boats have to supply crew lists for contact tracing should this prove necessary. As restrictions are eased we hope to be able to open the bar and café before too long, and will keep you advised on progress through our website and emails.

We are most grateful for your continued support of RANSA in these challenging times, and hope this will give you the means to renew your membership to ensure the future of our great Club. I look forward to seeing you all at some stage in or around the “heritage tin shed” or out on the water.

Fair Winds & Stay Safe,

Dave Giddings


Commodore  RANSA
