

Published Wed 25 Aug 2021


It’s still not looking good for the continuation of the Wednesday series, but be assured that Australian Sailing is in regular contact with the NSW Govt and the Clubs on this, and we will keep you advised as the situation changes.

In the meantime we continue to plan in the hopes that things will return to normal, and with this in mind the Combined Harbour Clubs have prepared for the Summer Saturday Series 21/22, which will be a series of 7 races, one a month from September to March, starting hopefully on 11 September. Details are now available on the website. Official Notice Board: NoRs, SIs and Amendments - RAN Sailing Association. Note that current 20/21 safety certification is extended until at least the end of the year if necessary, but we will hold our usual Safety Day as soon as we can.

We still hope to be able to start the RANSA twilight series at end October.


Note the new Cruising Blogs under ‘Cruising’ on the website here:

We recommend particularly the Berrimilla log for those who remember Alex Whitworth and Peter Crozier’s round the world adventure in 2004/5, and those who do not know the story will find it amazing.

If you have cruising content or a blog you would like to share with members please contact the Office and we will get it up here.


Much maintenance work has been carried out on the Marina, with new whaler boards and pile brackets to replace those that were corroded or in disrepair.

Kerry has continued hammering away at the Fo’c’sle area as we prepare for an exclusive ‘members only’ deck for the summer, and thanks Kerry and to volunteers Colin, Steve, Valenti and Peter for their help.

We continue to work on the Members’ Kitchen and Members’ Lounge in the Whaler Bar to offer further exclusive member benefits alongside the Navy Bear Café.
In the meantime remember that the Café remains open for takeaway coffee and snacks so do pop in when you are in the area.


Following the success of the inaugural RANSA TRIVIA ‘REGATTA’ we plan to do it again soon , so watch this space.


Remember that membership fees for 2021/22 are now due: if you have not received your invoice please check your junk mail – or let us know.


Keep safe, keep in touch, and we look forward to seeing you on the water and at the Clubhouse before too long.


RANSA Flag Officers and Staff
